Stop Worrying About AI

Feb 08, 2024

With the advancement of AI, there has been a lot of fear and fear-mongering by "influencers" that AI is coming for all software developer jobs. I see this repeatedly, and almost daily I'm asked if it's even worth learning how to code. So, I want to explain my view and opinion on this situation. Keep in mind that nobody can predict the future; this is just my interpretation of all this.

Let me start by saying that I do think there are some low-level positions that may not need to be filled by a human as we can automate them with AI. So, yes, to an extent, AI may "steal" some of those positions. However, let's not jump to dystopian conclusions just yet.

The world of technology is always evolving. We've seen it happen repeatedly, from the industrial revolution to the internet. In each case, certain jobs became obsolete, but then new opportunities emerged. AI is no different; it's just the next step in the evolution of technology. So sure, some entry-level coding or data-entry tasks may be automated, but that doesn't mean learning to code becomes irrelevant. In fact, it might become more important than ever. Learning to work with AI tools is going to benefit you as a developer. In fact, speaking from my own experience, since using tools like GitHub Co-Pilot and ChatGPT, I can create things quicker and do things that would normally take me much longer to figure out by scouring Stack Overflow and other resources. I think developers should focus on what AI can do for them rather than what it will take from them.

There is no industry that AI will not affect in some way. I think that many other types of jobs will be automated away before development jobs. So, you're still going to have this concern no matter what. Now if being a developer is not all that important to you and you would just as well do something else, then maybe I can understand weighing your options and taking AI into account. However, if you decide not to become a developer because of that fear even though that's what you want to do, I honestly think that's insane, and I think you're letting your negative emotions drive your decisions a little too much.

Take it one day at a time. Stop dwelling on what may or may not happen. And again, I'm not saying that no jobs will be lost. Of course, automation will take some of those roles, but new ones will open up, and you have to be able to adapt. To be a good developer, you have to keep up with constant change anyway. So stop thinking "loss" and start thinking "change". I think developers are going to be able to forget about many of the repetitive, mundane tasks, and they're going to be able to focus on the bigger picture and possibly make us more creative and more innovative.

There's something about being human that AI can't replicate. Yes, it can generate code snippets and solve some problems, but it can't have a vision, passion, personality, or a hundred other traits that human beings have. I am an extreme introvert, and I really don't like working with people all that much, but even I know that there is value in personal relationships. That will never change.

I know some people may say, "Well, you are a content creator/teacher, and you don't work in the industry anymore." In reality, my job is even more at risk. AI is already integrated into education and online teaching. I'm not afraid of it, though, because I feel that I have something to offer. You should feel the same way about yourself. Humans will always be needed.

So, to answer the question, "Should you bother learning to code in the age of AI?" Absolutely! It's not a matter of survival; you can still thrive alongside AI. Just embrace it and keep learning, and you'll find your place.

I realize that some people just will not change their way of thinking. They would much rather have doom and gloom and hear that we're all screwed. If that's you, I would honestly suggest taking a good look at yourself. That whole way of thinking is the exact opposite of what it takes to be successful in any area of life. I myself faced a lot of challenges. I was a drug addict with absolutely nothing 20 years ago. I could have made myself a victim and blamed the world for not getting anywhere, but I had a passion for what I was doing, and I wasn't going to let anything stop that, and neither should you. I know that may sound kind of harsh, but I think that is what some people need to hear. Keep following your passion and be the best developer that you can be!


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