Traversy Media



This is a categorized map of crash courses, projects and paid courses in the order that I would suggest watching. This guide goes along with my
2023 Practical Web Development Guide Video and my Web Dev Guide eBook

Web Development Guide

Finding Your Path

YouTube Videos

Who Can or Can't Be A Programmer?

Watch Now

15 Web Developer Paths

Watch Now

Guide To Becoming A Self-Taught Developer

Watch Now

Frontend, Backend & Full Stack Web Development

Watch Now

5 High Level Skills & Traits For Programmers

Watch Now

Paid Courses

* Freelance Mastery Course

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HTML Crash Course

Watch Now

CSS Crash Course

Watch Now

Flexbox Crash Course

Watch Now

CSS Grid Crash Course

Watch Now

Build a Responsive Website

Watch Now

Create a Professional Website From Scratch

Watch Now

Build a Portfolio Website w/Dennis Ivy

Watch Now

SpaceX Website Clone

Watch Now

Starbucks Landing Page

Watch Now

HTML & CSS Playlist (50+ Projects)

Watch Now

Paid Courses

* Modern HTML & CSS From The Beginning 24 Hours

Get It Now

CSS Frameworks & Tools

Bootstrap 5 Crash Course

Watch Now

Tailwind Project From Scratch

Watch Now

Your First Tailwind Site w/Chris Sev

Watch Now

Bulma Crash Course

Watch Now

Materialize Crash Course

Watch Now

Sass Crash Course

Watch Now

PostCSS Crash Course

Watch Now

Paid Courses

* Tailwind From Scratch 12.5 Hours

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* Bootstrap 5 From Scratch 13 Hours

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JavaScript Crash Course For Beginners

Watch Now

Modern JS From The Beginning (First 12 Hours)

Watch Now

JavaScript DOM Crash Course (4 Part Series)

Watch Now

JavaScript Higher Order Array Functions

Watch Now

JavaScript OOP Crash Course

Watch Now

Async JavaScript Crash Course

Watch Now

Fetch API Crash Course

Watch Now

Build 5 Projects with HTML, CSS & JS

Watch Now

JavaScript Under The Hood Series

Watch Now

Vanilla JS Playlist (30+ Projects)

Watch Now

Paid Courses

* Modern JavaScript From The Beginning 2.0 37 Hours

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* 20 Vanilla JS Projects 16 Hours

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* 50 Projects in 50 Days - HTML, CSS & JS 20 Hours

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* 70+ JS Challenges - Data Structures & Algorithms 12.5 Hours

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UI Design

UI Design For Coders w/Gary Simon

Watch Now

Extra Programming Tools

GIT Crash Course

Watch Now

Getting Started With Open Source & GitHub w/Eddie Jaoude

Watch Now

Markdown Crash Course

Watch Now

Command Line Crash Course

Watch Now

NPM Crash Course

Watch Now

Chrome Devtools Crash Course

Watch Now

VSCode ESLint, Prettier & Airbnb Style Guide Setup

Watch Now

AI Tooling

ChatGPT Crash Course

Watch Now

GitHub Copilot First Look

Watch Now

Frontend Deployment

Deploy Websites With Netlify

Watch Now

GitHub Pages Deploy & Domain

Watch Now

Web Hosting & CPanel Guide

Watch Now

Frontend Frameworks

React Crash Course

Watch Now

React Breaking Bad App

Watch Now

React Project Playlist

Watch Now

Vue Crash Course

Watch Now

Vue 3 & Composition API - Full Project

Watch Now

Vue Apex Legends App

Watch Now

Vue Composition API Project w/John Komarnicki

Watch Now

Angular Crash Course

Watch Now

Svelte Crash Course

Watch Now

Alpine.js Crash Course

Watch Now

Paid Courses

* React Front To Back Course 16 Hours

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State Management

React Hooks & Context: Expense Tracker

Watch Now

Redux Crash Course

Watch Now

Easy Peasy React State Management

Watch Now

Vuex Crash Course

Watch Now


TypeScript Crash Course

Watch Now

Frontend Tooling

Vite Crash Course

Watch Now

Webpack Crash Course

Watch Now

Exploring Parcel

Watch Now

UI Kits & Libraries

React & Material UI Tutorial w/Adrian Twarog

Watch Now

React & Material UI Project | PixaBay API

Watch Now

Vue.js Calendar with Vuetify & Firebase

Watch Now


Should You Test As A Web Developer?

Watch Now

Jest Crash Course

Watch Now

Intro To JavaScript Unit Testing | Mocha JS & Chai

Watch Now

Intro to JS Testing & BDD w/Guil Hernandez

Watch Now

React Testing Crash Course w/Techbase

Watch Now

Server Side Rendering

Next.js Crash Course

Watch Now

Next.js Authentication With Clerk

Watch Now

Remix Crash Course

Watch Now

Nuxt Crash Course

Watch Now

Astro SSR Blog

Watch Now

Paid Courses

* Next.js From Scratch 12 Hours

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Static Site Generators

Gatsby Crash Course

Watch Now

Static Blog With Next & Markdown

Watch Now

Gridsome & Strapi.js Event App w/Gwen Faraday

Watch Now

Astro Crash Course

Watch Now

Headless CMS

Strapi Crash Course

Watch Now Crash Course w/Kapehe

Watch Now

React & Sanity Portfolio Project w/Kapehe

Watch Now

Next.js & Ghost CMS Blog Project w/Codedamn

Watch Now

The Jamstack & Serverless

What Is The Jamstack? w/James Quick

Watch Now

What Is Serverless? w/James Quick

Watch Now

Serverless Functions

Watch Now

Animation & Charts

Get Started With Three.js

Watch Now

Intro to Animie.js

Watch Now

D3 Series

Watch Now

Getting Started With Chart.js

Watch Now

Data Display With Apex Charts

Watch Now

Server-Side Programming Languages

Node.js Crash Course

Watch Now

Bun.js Crash Course

Watch Now

Python Crash Course For Beginners

Watch Now

Object Oriented Python w/Caleb Curry

Watch Now

PHP Crash Course

Watch Now

PHP For Absolute Beginners w/The Codeholic

Watch Now

C# .NET For Beginners

Watch Now

GoLang Crash Course

Watch Now

Kotlin Crash Course w/Phillip Lackner

Watch Now

Rust Crash Course

Watch Now

C++ Crash Course w/CodeBeauty

Watch Now

Paid Courses

* Node.js API Masterclass 14 Hours

Get It Now

* PHP From Scratch 2024 18 Hours

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* Object Oriented PHP & MVC 8 Hours

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Backend Frameworks

Express Crash Course

Watch Now

Fastify Crash Course

Watch Now

Nest.js Crash Course

Watch Now

Koa Crash Course

Watch Now

MERN Crash Course

Watch Now

MERN Stack Front To Back Series

Watch Now

Python Django 7 Hour Course w/Dennis Ivy

Watch Now

Laravel From Scratch | 4+ Hour Course

Watch Now

Laravel Crash Course w/Codecourse

Watch Now

Ruby On Rails Crash Course w/Webcrunch

Watch Now

Paid Courses

* MERN eCommerce

Get It Now

* MERN Stack Front to Back

Get It Now

* Python Django Dev To Deployment

Get It Now

Database & ORM

MySQL Crash Course

Watch Now

MongoDB Crash Course

Watch Now

Supabase Crash Course

Watch Now

Redis Caching in Node.js

Watch Now

Prisma Crash Course

Watch Now


What Is a REST API?

Watch Now

HTTP Crash Course

Watch Now

Vanilla Node.js REST API

Watch Now


Watch Now

Laravel REST API with Authentication

Watch Now

Paid Courses

Node.js API Masterclass

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Create a GraphQL Server (5 part series)

Watch Now

Headless CMS & GraphQL API with KeystoneJS

Watch Now

Photobook App | Vue, GraphQL, AWS Amplify w/Erik Hanchett

Watch Now

Realtime Chat App | React, GraphQL & Websockets w/Jack Herrington

Watch Now

GraphQL Crash Course & MERN Project

Watch Now


JSON Web Tokens

Watch Now

Node.js App With Google OAuth

Watch Now

React Otka Authentication

Watch Now

Two Factor Authentication | Node.js & Speakeasy

Watch Now

Open AI

Build An Image Generator With Open AI

Watch Now

Build An AI Keyword Extractor

Watch Now

DevOps & Deployment

Full Node.js & NGINX Deployment to Digital Ocean

Watch Now

Deploy Python & Postgres to Heroku

Watch Now

Automatic Deployment With Github Actions w/Anson

Watch Now

DevOps Crash Course w/DevOps Directive

Watch Now

Mobile Development

React Native Crash Course

Watch Now

Flutter Crash Course

Watch Now

PWA With Ionic & Vue

Watch Now

Programming Concepts, Patterns, Algorithms, etc

The Programming Language Guide

Watch Now

What is MVC?

Watch Now

JavaScript OOP Crash Course

Watch Now

OOP In Python w/Caleb Curry

Watch Now

5 Design Patterns Everyone Should Know

Watch Now

Stack Data Structure | JavaScript

Watch Now

Linked List Data Structure | JavaScript

Watch Now

JavaScript Cardio Series | Algorithms

Watch Now

Project Management & Lifestyle

8 Tips To Increase Productivity

Watch Now

Starting A Serious Web Dev Project

Watch Now

Self Doubt In Programming

Watch Now

Coming Back To Programming After A Break

Watch Now

Work & Life Balance Tips For Programmers

Watch Now

Overwhelmed With Web Development Technology

Watch Now

10 Bad Habbits To Avoid As A Developer

Watch Now

Dealing With Depression & Anxiety

Watch Now

Problems & Solutions In The Life Of A Programmer

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